Curriculum Vitae
2015 - 2017
2009 - 2015
Master of Science, Industrial Design: Research, Design and Development, Technical University of Eindhoven
Bachelor of Science, Industrial Design, Technical University of Eindhoven
Resident City
Native language
Other languages
Drivers license
Wouter P.E.F. van Geesink
03/2017 - 05/2017
07/2016 – 09/2016
02/2015 – 07/2015
03/2014 – 08/2014
02/2012 - 06/2012
08/2008 - 05/2009
EuFlex BV., Bachelor-course tutor, Eindhoven
Supervising and guiding design process of 25 bachelor students; Assessing and grading.
Actief Zorg, Home help, Eindhoven
Home cleaning at homes of elderly and disabled persons; Social contact;
Atelier Vrijdag & De Ontdekfabriek, Concept designer, Eindhoven
Styling and content client concept presentations; Full development workshops for children; Concept and model development of installations for De Ontdekfabriek; Collaboration in event organization;
Studio AnnaMariaCornelia, Design Intern, Antwerpen
Idea generation and concept development; Digital visualizing and hands-on modeling; Business analysis;
Mise & Place Eindhoven, Eindhoven
CHR-training; Diverse catering jobs (events, weddings, restaurants);
I am highly proficient and self-directive, especially, in the digital work environment.
Excellent command in Microsoft Office and experience in creating 'client ready' files.
I am very comfortable in using Adobe Suite for creating visualizations, reports, and project videos. Additionally, I am very proficient in making (vector) drawings used for rapid prototyping.
I have used several 3d modeling software for visualization and 3d printing purposes, but have not committed to one program for specialization.
Arduino programming skills revolve around creating interactive (physical) systems with coupled with electrical engineering skills. Processing for interactive visualizations and digital communication systems.
Software Proficiencies
I have always wanted to become an inventor... industrial designer comes pretty close! Through my studies I have been described as active, strong opinionated and team player which is reflects in my attitude and design process. By looking at possibilities rather than problems, I often can play an inspiring role as team member. I tend to kickstart by making and exploring while reflections provide thinking to support the process. User perspective and value is one of the main driver in my design approach. I explore the design challenges hands-on with prototypes and mock-ups and have tenacious eagerness to keep learning.
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About me
Followed the following TU/e Skillslab masterclasses ...
.. Masterclass Develop your Network
.. Masterclass Academic Writing
.. Masterclass Negotiating skills
Extra curricular ...
.. Dutch Design Week, ZilverG'oud, 2017, KONO
.. Academic Paper, HAI, Handige Beestjes (Pending acceptance)
.. Dutch design week, Grootsgrijs, 2015, Handige Beestjes
.. Dutch design week, Design cares, 2011, Luux collection
.. Award winner, Strijp-S, Simply the cleanest, 2009, P.I.E.T.
Soft skills ...
I have excellent ...
..teamwork & communication skills
..reflection skills
I have good ...
.. presentation skills
.. self-directed learning skills
I want to learn more ...
.. entrepreneurial skills
.. 'marker-and-paper' product drawing
Professional skills & extra curricular
References can be supplied on request from ...
.. C.C.M. (Caroline) Hummels, Graduation Mentor.
.. A.C. (Aarnout) Brombacher, Dean Industrial Design, Employer student assistant job.
.. E.I. (Emilia) Barakova, Master Project Coach.
.. H. (Hugo) Vrijdag, Owner De Ontdekfabriek / Atelier Vrijdag, Employer design intern and concept designer.